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Updated: Sep 30, 2022

With its huge number of users and posts every day, Instagram is a great platform for advertisers. Ads on Instagram can effectively get new customers, but having an account and posting is not enough. You don't need to spend much money to get more conversions but be strategic with your content. Here are some tips on creating effective ads.

Are you looking to create a stellar set of high-performing ads on Instagram? Start with these ideas.

1) Make it look like organic content.

Ads that don't look like regular content can disrupt the flow of user experience, and those users could have ad blindness where they scroll past your ad without engaging or end up hiding the ad or any content you serve. To avoid this, ads should blend with the other content on a user's feed and make it feel like any other organic content.

Start researching what content your demographic is following and create something that aligns with what they like and will engage with! Knowing your audience is one of the most important steps to ensure your content works for them.

2) Use User-generated content ( influencer & blogger)

Your customers are your best billboard for your products on the internet. In an era of personalization and representation, UGC is a key part of any ad strategy.

There is something innately personal about seeing yourself as part of a larger brand community.

However, truly embracing UGC requires trust in their ability to capture quality photography that feels real and produced. It's easy to see why your company's products resonate through your customers' lens.

3) Align your targeting with your audience and outcome.

Many great ads fail because they are not targeted to the right audience. The most basic element of advertising is making the ad appealing to the people you want to sell to, which requires targeting them specifically. Often, ad campaigns forget basics like age, location, language, and customer data and interests in favour of creativity, but this is a mistake.

The best creative assets in the market cannot sell to people who are not interested in what you are selling, and this can waste your budget and lower your ROI.

4) Stop your audience with motion.

There are many ways to incorporate motion into ads, such as slideshows, videos, and GIFs. Though video may not be right for every ad campaign, it can effectively get attention. When planning a new ad campaign, consider a video a good option.

Ask yourself questions such as:

  • Would the product be easier to understand if it was in motion?

  • Can we show a unique attribute through motion?

  • What type of video would be most effective?

  • How does this asset perform compared to static images?

5) Have a Clear CTA.

Your ad needs a strong call to action, just like your regular posts. You can create multiple ads with different CTAs on Instagram.

The most effective CTAs for Instagram ads are "Contact Us," "Sign Up," "Watch More," "Book Now," "Learn More," "Download," and "Apply Now." A study shows that choosing the right CTA button on your ad can boost your conversions by 32%.

In Conclusion

There is no one answer to what makes a great Instagram ad. However, some factors that make an ad more likely successful include being eye-catching, speaking to the target audience, and demonstrating the product appealingly. Happy Publishing!

Go to CRIO for more such helpful marketing activity tips.

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As a business owner, you work hard to grow your company by researching and learning about your industry. But sustaining that growth can be challenging. When growth slows down or stops completely, it is when you enter the phase of business stagnation.

Many factors can contribute to a business's stagnation, including a lack of capital that facilitates growth, difficulty attracting new customers, poor customer loyalty, and ineffective business strategies.

Here, we'll show you how to move your small business from its current point to the next level and increase your profits.

This article is about strategies that can help grow your business if you feel like it's stagnating.

1. Make use of your existing customer base

Many businesses will focus solely on selling new products and getting the word out to potential clients, but what about tapping into your existing customer base for extra revenue?

Creating an effective customer loyalty program, establishing a customer referral program, or launching an affiliate program are all great ways of continuing to reap profits from past customers.

This could be used as a main source of income, and don't forget that you have countless people already invested in your brand, so make sure they can feel rewarded for doing their part.

2. Make some additions

It's time to introduce a new product or customer base. Offering a product for sale that is different or unique from your competitors allows you to identify an imbalance in the market.

Please consider how many competitors are involved, then analyze their strengths and weaknesses compared with yours and your target customer base. If your proposed presentation is appropriate, seems beneficial, and undeniably appealing, there's a high probability that you can make it work even if you're relatively new in this specific industry.

3. Hiring without Hiring

Yes, it can be possible by hiring the right salesperson. The right salesperson can be crucial in landing sales for your company, and you don't have to pay them anything until they succeed. Now you don't have to worry about whether you will get paid at the end of the month.

Affiliate marketing is another option for many companies because it's yet another way to make money without taking too much financial risk since you only make payments after the sale has already been made.

4. Better use of social media

It's important to not only use social media but also know what exactly social media can do for your business. You must update yourself with all the social media changes, recent updates, and how exactly you can use these.

Many businesses have been built and grown solely on the backs of social media. It can be intimidating at first, but as you build momentum and become known in your community, posting on social media will become easier and easier.


We know that when it comes to tackling something as important as your business, it's easy to get lost along the way.

Even though we understand that change can be tough, we hope to remind you that whatever changes are made to get your company back on track will also take time and effort - so don't give up if things don't work out immediately because we all know how easily frustration could set in.

We would advise continuing to be patient with yourself and persevere if possible because this is just a part of life as an entrepreneur; there will always be obstacles for us to hurdle.

For more such strategies and the growth of your brand, go to the CRIO app.

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Social media is fun, Social media is relaxing, social media is a great time pass, and even social media is a great learning platform. We all agree with these statements, but only a few realize social media's dark side hiding the truth.

Currently, Social media affect our mental health in a way we can even fathom; from showing a perfect lifestyle to a perfect body to a perfect human, they influence us directly or indirectly.

It's not just creators that experience burnout. You do, too!

With all the non-stop notifications, the pressure to consistently post, and forever-changing algorithms, entrepreneurs and social media managers experience burnout.

Regardless of how often you use social media, it's essential to make time to check in with yourself, set boundaries, and ask for support when you need it.



  • Try to take breaks in between:

Did you ever think about taking breaks from social media?

I bet you didn't because you can't, as you are a social media manager or a content creator.

Try to take a break whenever you feel exhausted, when you feel social media starting affecting you and your mindset or if you are starting to compare yourself incorrectly.

Quick Tip: Log out from social media one by one; if you ever feel that you are unable to uninstall your social media because of work commitment, then you are wrong; everyone has the right to take relief from work, and after that break, one can work with more accurately.

  • Try to manage your screen timing:

If you're a social media manager, creator, or entrepreneur juggling multiple hats, having a way to manage your time on social platforms is key. You can set up limits for your phone and browser — like Instagram or Facebook. You can also use an extension. Set Timer to remind you to step away from your computer now and then. Set a bedtime for your phone so that all notifications are paused until morning.

Some tools can help you manage your screen time.

Quick Tip: Set an app limit to track and monitor your social media usage over time. You can also set a timer to remind yourself to take breaks. And last but not least, an extension for your web browser will help you stop constant pings by setting a "bedtime" for your phone.

  • Try to manage good and bad:

As you publish content on social media, consider weighing the impact of your responses to all the trolls or abusive language. When your work overwhelms you, pause for a second and take a deep breath. What actions can you take to alleviate some of the stress you're feeling right now?

Quick Tip: Even something as small as a walk around the block or a quick meditation exercise protects your mental health.

  • Selfcare is a priority:

Self-care is your priority, and caring for yourself is needed, but it doesn't mean you have to travel around the world or spend lots of money on shopping brands.

Quick Tip: Try taking simple acts of self-kindness that make you feel good; it may be going to the temple, helping some needy, or spending time with your family and friends.

  • Ask for help and even help others:

While awareness of mental health is increasing in the workplace, unfortunately, many people still face challenges in getting the help they need.

According to the Mental Health Foundation, "fear of discrimination and feelings of shame are among the top reasons people give for not telling their colleagues about their mental health problems."

Quick Tip: If you can, be a mental health advocate in your own company and ask your colleagues how they are doing.


Social marketers need to be aware of the worst and best human behavior online to set boundaries with their work. They also need to prioritize their mental health.

  1. Take time off when you need it

  2. Set your notifications to "Do Not Disturb" when you sign off for the day

  3. Lean on your peers for support when times are tough.

  4. Permit yourself to unplug completely from your work

—your mental, physical and emotional health will thank you.

CRIO app can help you with managing your time and take the unnecessary burden off your shoulders.

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