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You have started your personal care brand and why not it’s the best industry to grow after COVID but instead of immense sales, your business started to vanish from social media in the initial stage. If that’s the scenario my dear you have come to the right place. Before going further we just wanted to ask you one question: Do you think not getting enough conversions is just because of your lack of knowledge about Instagram algorithms? Is it?

Stay tuned with us to get the answer to this question.

The personal care industry has products, such as face masks and body scrubs, that play a big role in self-care routines; they've traditionally been more workhorses than show ponies for the beauty industry. Recently, that's started to change as personal care products have surged in popularity, thanks to interest in natural and organic ingredients, as well as a thriving community on social media. This is clearly evident as the sales of the skincare market in India have been valued at Rs 12,976 crore in 2020 and are expected to reach a value of Rs 19,109 crore by 2025.

We got to see for the very first time that the “skincare industry is growing more rapidly than the makeup industry.” After performing many surveys we got to know that product demand from natural and organic skincare brands has increased over the last few years. Women, the primary consumers in the skincare industry, are adding anti-aging products to their skin care regimens as they get older. Men are increasingly showing interest in skincare products, and in turn, companies are launching new lines targeted at them.

We all know you must be aware of these statistics but are still wondering what would be the reason for not getting enough traffic.

Reasons why personal care brands are not able to market their business on social media.

1. Body image plays an important role in your industry.

Social media has had a major impact on the perceptual, affective, cognitive, and behavioral aspects of body image by encouraging lean body patterns and delivering anti-obesity messages. 33 million Instagram users are gen z. At that young age, most of them are not very confident about their body and when they go online all they see is a 5.8 feet slim model already having glowy skin promoting skincare products. Don’t tell me you haven’t thought of using models for your next product shoot!

Solution: People just wanted to see normal human images. By normal we are meaning a person whom your audience can relate with. So try shooting people in your office or with your friends and family to see the results for yourself.

2. Collaborations are not converting sales.

Collaborating with Influencers has become one of the most important and quickest ways to let your product get introduced to a new set of audiences. Are you saying you have already done that but still no sales from potential customers? If yes then we want to ask you one question: Did you research their analytics before collaborating with them?

Solution: Collaborating is important but collaborating with the right influencer for your brand is crucial! By right I mean search about their audience, what kind of people they are interacting with? Are those your prime audience? Research well about their content and niche too, how creative their content is, and what’s their prime niche. You can hire an influencer marketer too. This industry is gonna bloom in the next few years!

3. Demand For personalized things got increased

Brand posts on social media, share their updates on it and communicate with their audience. What are they primarily looking for? ATTENTION from their user. Have you ever thought your user wants the same things from you? Yes everybody wants attention on social media but how can a brand make it personalized for their user.

Solution: Personalized discounts, coupon codes, in-cart discounts, and many more giveaways which make them feel special about using your brand. As the study from Marketo showed, 79% of consumers say they are only likely to use a brand’s promotion if the promotion is tailored to previous interactions. It is no longer a trend. It is a clear demand from the market.


We asked you a question at the beginning of the blog and we are sure you got your answer. Algorithms do play an important role but marketing your business and conversion has much more into it apart from the algorithm. While the beauty and cosmetics industry evolves with the trends, the challenges stay the same.

Try including the solution we have told you about and share the results with us on our Instagram. We would be more than happy to help you grow your business after all we are just like Social media marketer in a pocket.

Let CRIO help you!

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Owning your own business is a dream for a lot of people, but it's not always the catalog perfect job. There are a lot of benefits of owning your own business but there are also drawbacks. This blog will look at some of the cons of owning your own business and also some of the benefits.

It's an exciting time to be an entrepreneur. Just look at the number of small business owners in the past decade. In fact, over the past 10 years, the number of small businesses has increased by an estimated 3.2 million. But when it comes to starting a business, there are ups and downs. Sometimes it also depends upon the local economy of that place. As business owners ourselves, we'd like to share some things to consider before you step out on your own.


Owning a small business is one of the most difficult but rewarding and fulfilling jobs. This may be because you get to work within your comfort zone and craft your business however you see fit. You are also in the driver's seat, setting the tone for your company. However, there are many benefits to owning a small business, often outweighing any negatives.

Having Independence

When you own a company, you don’t have to rely on someone else or seek approval before taking action. The independence involved with running your own business is a great feeling and the best part is that you can do what makes you happy while helping yourself along the way too!

Working Flexibility

Entrepreneurship gives you the flexibility to decide your hours. While starting up your business, it will seem like you are working non-stop with little time for yourself, but eventually, you will be able to decide when and where to work – no more than nine to five. This flexibility is ideal for anyone who operates more efficiently outside of regular office hours.

Having Power and Control in Your Hand

As the head of an organisation, one has power and control. You make your own rules and establish your company's culture, making all the decisions from the top. This power appeals to many entrepreneurs because it allows them to hire employees and establish an environment where they can get things done in a way that feels most comfortable to them.

Can work with Passion and Creativity

One big benefit of starting your own business is that you can do what you please. There isn't a higher authority telling you how to run things. You can create products and ideas that match your vision and values, rather than having to make compromises or follow the demands of someone else's idea of success! Just make sure you invest enough time and energy - because it can be risky at times, especially when it comes to marketing your business online which we'll discuss in a moment.

Having Big Financial Gains

Although owning your own business comes with the risk of financial loss, you also receive potential rewards. If you do not have a business partner or employees, you don’t have to worry about having to pay them. If you only have a few employees, this means that there is less cut from your earnings since it's just them taking their share of the pie.


As an entrepreneur, you need to be prepared for anything. That means knowing what the potential pitfalls are that may affect your business. Being aware of those challenges may help you plan and avoid them.

Having Diversified customer based

If you run a business that deals in products, it's essential to catalogue them appropriately and make sure they're properly priced so that each customer who visits your store can purchase at least one of the items. This will help ensure the stability of your company financially on a broad scale.

Managing Cash Flow

Managing cash flow is another big challenge for small business owners. It's obvious you need money to make money, but you'll also need a good way to make capital and access cash reserves quickly if you want your company to grow. Cash flow would be regulated by multiple sources of income that come together in a way that ensures one source isn't the only thing keeping things going in difficult scenarios and taking away the pressure on your entrepreneur client to spread themselves too thin.

Maintaining Legal Compliances

It can be difficult to start up your own business because there are many rules and regulations to follow. Each day is different, meaning you'll have to change the way you do things every day or so based on what new updates come from the government. One of the most popular rules is taxes and hiring employees - that's where it gets tricky. The best way to understand these rules is by doing research online about your obligations, penalties for failure and how to avoid them!

Sustainable quality while scaling

Starting your own business is exciting, but the reality may catch up with you sooner than you expect. If you find things a little harder than expected, it could be because demand for your product or service has suddenly increased. This means you need to start planning strategically to scale your business quickly, so you don't disappoint your loyal customers by experiencing a decrease in quality.


Starting up a company isn't easy, but it can certainly lead to rewards. Evaluate these pros and cons to help determine whether entrepreneurship is the right path for you. Some people think of independence and flexibility as great benefits to becoming an entrepreneur, while others value the stability that comes with working for someone else.

Before taking your business idea further, consider if it is financially viable. Can you pay for startup costs? Do you have a budget and enough saved capital to fund the initial period until your business starts making money? Testing everything before fully launching will save you time in the long run.

From all of those problems we can help you in building your social media presence without even bothering you.

Let CRIO help you!

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It feels like Instagram is never going to stop surprising us! It's a special feeling as it is great to see how Instagram is working hard to make it more easy and happening, there are constantly new features and functionalities continually being developed to help support business growth.

Instagram has revealed new changes to its platform which will now make it easier for businesses and brands to see more engagement for their content. The changes are so significant that many businesses are now turning to Instagram As one of the largest growth engines for their business, as it is commonly considered more attractive than Twitter in terms of engagement.

Let's take a look at some of the most recent Instagram Updates that will make you viral:

  1. **Reels Templates**: Instagram Introduces a new time-saving tool called Reels Templates. With this feature, you can quickly copy timing and clip settings for an existing Reel saving tons of work and effort. How to do it? Once you’ve got the latest Instagram update, open your install app and move to the Reels tab by clicking the playback button at the bottom of your screen. Scroll down until you find a video worth imitating. If you see “use template” above their username tap that and if not tap on the three buttons in the lower right corner and from the drop-down select “use as template”.

  2. Add polls, quizzes, and emojis in reels: Reel just keeps getting better with every update! With the latest release, you now have the ability to add polls, quizzes, and emojis in Reels. This gives you more ways to engage your viewers and helps increase impact since they can share their thoughts on what they just saw with other people who saw it as well - or just simply interact with each other rather than have to sit in silence because nothing was added to the video. How to do it? When you’ve captured or imported content in Instagram Reels, tap the “Stickers” icon at the top of the screen which enables you to run polls, create quizzes to ask your fans questions, and even add an image swipe-up interaction.

  3. Now you can create reels for up to 90 seconds: Another update to Reels by Instagram is that now you can create reels for up to 90 seconds, which allows you to share even more of your creativity! Ideas for 90sec reels: DIY Tutorials, Day in the life vlog, Movie and TV critiques.

  4. Instagram grid pinning feature: Another update from Instagram is the new feature called Pinning Feed Grid. It's on testing current. With Feed Grid, users can now choose to pin posts to their grid and place a larger focus on specific feed entries - either for promotional purposes or simply to get people who visit your profile more involved with what you have going on that day. How to do it? Go to the post from the feed which you want to pin then press the 3 dots that appear on the right side now it has many options, Simply click the pin it button. Once pinned, the selected post will be visible at the top of your profile grid and sit there until you unpin it. To do this, simply go back to your profile and hit the "unpin" icon. P.s you can only pin 3 posts or reels not more than that.

  5. Stories display with the “show all” button: Instagram is looking to revamp the way stories are viewed as they may be testing a new layout that displays just 3 stories at any given moment. Any extras will then be hidden away behind a "show all" button under the top navigation bar and arranged by swiping them horizontally.


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By adapting these Updates your content will get viral and be able to boost your growth.

Now, you can change your Social Game with Instagram's New Game-Changing Updates.

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